So it has been a long time coming... blame computer and digital camera issues... plus an ever changing spectrum of life situations vying for attention... all good!
I wrote on my hand today, prompted by 'the daily groove' e-zine that I get, well, daily. It's all about enjoying parenting, which sadly many people aren't able to do at times. See his website here. The idea was to write a reminder of what you love about your kids - in code (so the kids don't know what it is) - on your hand, and see if it changes your attitude and allows good feelings and things to be attracted to you throughout your day.
For my toddler, who has entered a not-so-cute-trantrum-throwing-phase, I drew the eyes for his intense focus and attention to detail. Even at this young age, he notices and mimics everything and knows exactly what he wants. A good trait, to be sure. It helps to appreciate it in that way when he MUST HAVE THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE TRAINS GRIPPED IN BOTH HANDS AT ALL TIMES.
For my seven (almost eight) year old, I drew a heart for his HUGE LOVING heart and his love for so many things in the world. He has followed in his dad's footsteps and become a voracious reader, and he throws himself into everything he chooses to do. He is always so excited to see people and get involved in the world, and he is always very sad to see them go away. He loves so much. I love that about him.
I like having those reminders written on my hand. Good things are happening in my mind at least!