I am reading 'When it all Falls Apart' by Pema Chodron. She is a Buddhist nun. (I used to want to be a Buddhist nun. Note to self: notice important phrase USED TO.) This book is a wonderful tool to stop the mind and notice all things as they are. I am really enjoying it, and it is inspiring me to be more present. Present with all the little avoidance techniques that I use to run away from NOW... She says that our fundamental situation is Joy, and invites the reader to discover this his or herself. I am inspired to do that too.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday's Muse: What inspires now?
I am reading 'When it all Falls Apart' by Pema Chodron. She is a Buddhist nun. (I used to want to be a Buddhist nun. Note to self: notice important phrase USED TO.) This book is a wonderful tool to stop the mind and notice all things as they are. I am really enjoying it, and it is inspiring me to be more present. Present with all the little avoidance techniques that I use to run away from NOW... She says that our fundamental situation is Joy, and invites the reader to discover this his or herself. I am inspired to do that too.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Knitting for Nia
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
This tree by the road asked to be photographed and appreciated.
A stormy day today, inside and out.
Outside, powerfully and electrically blustery and now raining a beautiful torrent that runs down the hillside street in front of my house.
The storms inside were equally charged. An argument between myselves - the one who hears and knows that she is needed here and now for presence and support to my children, and the one who mourns the time lost to etherial memories where presence and support did not feed my own soul.
Today, was born again the witness, who watched the storms with curiosity and wonder - both inside and out, and waits for them to pass - as they always do. Not a fair weather friend to myself, no. Not at all.
Monday, March 23, 2009
What inspires me?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Poet, aka Kitty, is normally aloof and chooses to sit in 'her' chair in the living room. But, when I knit she likes to sit by me. I think it's because I'm calm, or she likes the yarn (sometimes playing with it a bit more than I would like). I'm making myself a shirt. It's really shiney, but I can wear it to a Nia class - no problem. That or a disco bar. It's a bit 'rock star.'
I love the 'in the moment' feeling of knitting. My house is a 'place,' but I had my peace.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spring break, bunnies, and panda bears
Spring is here, and the bunnies have done what bunnies will do. This one was dragged, unharmed, from it's warm little rabbit hole in our backyard by our dog (doing what dogs do). We placed him/her back with the other baby bunny and covered the hole again with bunny hair. Adorable. They make little squeaking noises too.
After much stress and worry by my oldest son, waiting to see if the mommy and daddy bunny would return to take care of the babies, we researched 'what to do if you find baby bunnies' online. We learned that the bunnies return at dusk or sunset to nurse their babies for only 5 minutes a day.
Yes, I am jealous of bunnies.
Creativity is anxiously awaiting the size 13, 24 inch circular knitting needles that I special ordered - for the little shirt I will make for myself made of ribbon and ladder yarn. Very exciting, and in spring colors too. Joy abounds!
Here's a silly little video of the Panda Bear at the Memphis Zoo (our fabulous splurge of a weekend destination!) A fun time was had by all!
"Panda Bear Camouflage"
Monday, March 16, 2009
Writing Submissions wanted
I just submitted a piece of writing at the following fun creative mom's (and moms') site.
It was fun!
It was fun!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
My cup runneth over

I love getting comments on my blog. I love giving comments on my blog. Support and encouragement are always welcome, and fill me with the desire to do the same for others.
Also, I am full of images and designs and inspirations for new art projects. Too bad I can't just type them up like a blog post and push a button to create it. Full to overflowing, but somehow I must contain them until they can be created - lest they be forgotten.
I have always been awed by certain artworks simply because of the time they take to be made - the intricacy of each little stitch. It's like a meditation, and I am awed by an artist who spends the majority of their time in this way. Awed and, honestly, jealous.
I finished the beading on the last blue butterfly today. Just two more moth wings and on to the purple pinecones. Those might be quicker, as there aren't so many twists and turns involved.
Love to those who read and comment! My cup runneth over!
Friday, March 6, 2009
The project of great detail and length
Can you see the little people dancing between the images?
And the faint outline of more beading to be done around the edges?
Circles of dancing figures, and inbetween them the images appeared. The beads take forever. I have so little time - and must find pretty large blocks of time... so it happens every month or so that I do ONE SHAPE's OUTLINE.
Still, determined to finish it... someday.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The mirror of forgiveness
Boy oh boy, when you focus on something - like forgiveness - things just pop up in front of you all over the place! I had a rough day of it. Forgiving myself for being so slow to forgive at times! I realize there are grudges being held in me. Some should surely be released - but are holding on and waiting for... what? an apology? understanding?, but the trickier ones are things that keep happening... and don't seem to have an easy solution. Is it just that I am staying with this self concept of 'victim' or 'martyr?' Could I not just accept that it is my responsibility to wake up through the night to care for our baby? Or, is it just that the months drag on and on, and a glimpse of a better night's sleep turns into just a fluke and a tease?
I've been trying to give up 'snarkiness,' sarcasm, complaining. But, I must say, I am frustrated with certain chronic annoyances that cycle and feed into themselves. Lack of sleep, low immune system, chronic inflammation of the cornea of my left eye. What would Louise L Hay say?
BREAK THE CYCLE!!!!! but HOW??? Change my thoughts and I change my life.
The change that is required is probably something around humility. It's a life theme of mine, I do believe. The humble mother, who must set aside so many things, for the good of the family.
I need a vacation.
I've been trying to give up 'snarkiness,' sarcasm, complaining. But, I must say, I am frustrated with certain chronic annoyances that cycle and feed into themselves. Lack of sleep, low immune system, chronic inflammation of the cornea of my left eye. What would Louise L Hay say?
BREAK THE CYCLE!!!!! but HOW??? Change my thoughts and I change my life.
The change that is required is probably something around humility. It's a life theme of mine, I do believe. The humble mother, who must set aside so many things, for the good of the family.
I need a vacation.
Monday, March 2, 2009
I am certainly a nicer person when I decide to forgive the imperfections of the world. Definitely it is easier to deal with people then, too. The doctor who didn't call me back - several times. The son who doesn't want to get up in the morning. The other son who wakes up all night long. The husband who falls asleep way too early, before I have a chance to talk to him about anything. And myself - for innumerable things that I could choose to deem unforgivable. But, I won't. I'll be my own best friend. Onward to the gentle goals, chosen for my health and well being - and not the obsessive quest for perfection.
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