Monday, March 2, 2009


I am certainly a nicer person when I decide to forgive the imperfections of the world. Definitely it is easier to deal with people then, too. The doctor who didn't call me back - several times. The son who doesn't want to get up in the morning. The other son who wakes up all night long. The husband who falls asleep way too early, before I have a chance to talk to him about anything. And myself - for innumerable things that I could choose to deem unforgivable. But, I won't. I'll be my own best friend. Onward to the gentle goals, chosen for my health and well being - and not the obsessive quest for perfection.

1 comment:

Art4Sol said...

I always feel so much better when I forgive...and forget. It's a huge weight lifted off my being. Anger and or harboring negativity takes up too much inner space....but it's something I have to keep in check.