I plan to have some artwork finished and framed for a Venus Envy show here in Saint Louis. I have had this plan for almost 5 years now, after d

Somehow I think that if I show the art, I will then BE an artist. It's a big step for me. I hope it happens next year!
'Plerkshop' is a play-workshop. I have carved out half of the table in my son's playroom in the back of the house.
Congratulations on your big step!
What a fantastic embroidery of the group of hands it shold be a hit at the show.I am not surprised that you do not get as much time as you would like to do your crafts with 2 kids & a job. Thanks for visiting my blog the scarves were made from felt not ribbons wool is felted throush muslin to make a softer finish, great fun and easy to do
Beautiful work and definitely "worthy" to show off!
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